Open Dates are highlighted in red. Please note that we are limited to no more than 50 students per group with certain specific groups limited even further to one class size. If you choose one of these groups our instructor will get back to you before scheduling your group.
9/3/24 | McQueen |
9/4/24 |
Wickham |
9/5/24 | Golbek |
9/12/24-9/14/24 | Rogers County Free Fair |
9/18/24 | Bennett |
9/19/24 | Augustine Christian |
10/2/24 | Bright |
10/8/24 | CHS |
10/9/24 | CHS |
10/10/24 | CHS |
10/22/24 | Undercroft 1st |
10/23/24 | Undercroft 2nd |
10/24/24 | Undercroft 3rd |
10/29/24 | Barnsdall |
10/30/24 | Barnsdall |
11/5/24 | McQueen |
11/6/24 | Wickham |
11/7/24 | Golbek |
11/12/24 | Osage Elem |
11/13/24 | Bennett |
11/14/24 | Chelsea |
11/19/24 | Chelsea |
11/20/24 | Chelsea |
11/21/24 | Chelsea |
11/26/24 | |
12/3/24 | CHS |
12/4/24 | CHS |
12/5/24 | CHS |
12/10/24 | |
12/11/24 | Bright |
12/12/24 |